2021 Mauri Williamson Barn Preservation Grants Awarded
The Indiana Barn Foundation awarded two barn grants in 2021. The Foundation annually awards two matching grants for $2500 each, obligating the recipients to match that amount from their own funds, funds from another source, or in-kind labor.
The 2021 Recipients were Kathryn Kuntz of Sunman, and Dual Way Farms under ownership of Carrie Lam w/Sally Higgins and Nathan and Jason Hazelwood. Their barn is in Dana. Both grant-funded projects have been completed.
The owners of the barn at Dual Way Farm stated, "Our round barn was in need of new concrete ramps to access the upper floors. Indiana Barn Foundation generously awarded us a grant to help with replacing the foundation for our ramps. We're pleased with how they turned out and are looking forward to more preservation projects on our barn so that it may last another 100 years."