The Mauri Williamson Legacy Endowment
Indiana Barn Foundation is proud and humbled to carry on the legacy of Mauri Williamson with an endowment in his name.
Mauri, an agriculture preservationist dedicated his life to farming and educating all people on the history of agriculture. The catalyst behind IBF, his legacy of educating barn owners and preserving farm heritage will continue with this endowment. Mauri was a proud alumnus of Purdue University and longtime leader of the Purdue AG Alumni Association.
Indiana Barn Foundation is an all-volunteer organization guided by an ambitious board of directors across Indiana who are passionate about spreading our mission. We are dedicated to raising the awareness of historic barns and the decline in numbers. We provide education and on-site support to barn owners interested in preservation and repurposing barns.
Other than online giving additional gifts to the endowment can include: stocks, securities, both cash and non-cash assets, including grain, property, and equipment. Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) has been entrusted with the endowment and will process transactions.
To make on online donation, click the button below. Alternately, you can write a check payable to the Central Indiana Community Foundation with Mauri Williams Legacy Endowment in the memo line and mail to:
615 N. Alabama St.
St.# 300
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1498
For more information, contact Mike Thompson, IBF Vice President at