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Register for Forum and Annual Meeting

Registration is now open for IBF's Barn Forum and Annual Meeting! The meeting will be held on Saturday, July 20th from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Community Foundation of Hancock County. The featured speaker will again be timber framing specialist Rick Collins, owner of Trillium Dell/Firmitas in Galesburg, IL. His morning talk is entitled, “Saving the Littleton-Kingen Round Barn.” In 2023 the state’s largest remaining round barn suffered significant tornado damage that threatened its survival. Attendees will learn the details about what happened to the barn and what Rick’s company undertook to save it. As with mortise and tenon barns, Trillium Dell has seen consistent and common failures in round barns and these issues will be discussed to the benefit of all barn owners.

Additionally, we will have an interactive session led by members of our Barn Assessment Committee and the IBF annual meeting. Following lunch, attendees are invited to gather onsite at the Littleton-Kingen Round Barn for a walk-thru with Rick. Everyone will be able to experience the majesty of the barn inside and out and see first-hand the repair methodologies used to strengthen the barn.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with coffee and pastries. Lunch is included in the registration fee of $25 per person. Non-members of the Indiana Barn Foundation are welcome to attend. For more information, please email The morning portion of the event will be located at 971 W. US 40, Greenfield, IN.


Many Thanks to our Annual Meeting Sponsors Peg & Pin, LLC and Cornelius O'Brien Lecture Series


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